Mission Trips outside the U.S. require a valid passport.
For information on applying for a passport please visit travel.state.gov
Mexico Mission Trip
Our next mission trip to Baja California Mexico is December 9 - 12. This is our Christmas
opportunity to bless the church and community in Maneadero. The cost for the 3 day mission is $80.00 and passports are required. There is a planning meeting for this trip Sunday, November 27 at 1:30 pm in the jr. high room.
Philippines Mission
Our next mission trip to the Philippines is tentatively scheduled for October 9 - 21, 2016.
The estimated cost for this mission trip is $1,990.00. The next meeting is Sunday, August 7
at 3:00 pm in the junior high room. Completed applications and a $500.00 deposit are required at that time. Please pick up a missions application in the church bookstore. For more information please see Pastor Brian.
Mexico Mission
The next trip to work with our church plant in Maneadero Baja California is August 19 - 21.
The cost for the 3-day weekend is $80.00 and there is a planning meeting Sunday, August 14 at 3:00 pm in the junior high room.
Missions Night
Join us tonight at our evening service for Missions Night. Come and hear what the Lord
did through our team in Africa as well as get updates on our missionaries and future mission opportunities.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
We will be continuing the work of evangelizing, church planting, and making disciples by going further into eastern DRC. The estimated cost is $3,500.00 and the first interest meeting is January 17th, 2016 after 3rd service. For more information please contact Pastor Brian.
Mexico Mission Trip (Baja)
This is our annual jr. high and youth oriented event but all are welcome and translators are needed. The cost for the weekend mission is $80.00 and there is an information meeting today at 1:30 pm in the jr. high room.