We thank so much our heavenly Father to allow this evangelical outreach ministry to be done in Democratic Republic of Congo this year (2016) in despite there were much hindrances that were not allowing this ministry to be done but God is so powerful, it was done successfully and in peace with CCB members in sponsorship of CCHD, His mercy endures forever. Although CCHD team was not allowed to get in my country, we were all in fellowship spiritually joining in prayers. Thanks a lot for the love and fellowship in Christ that CCHD members showed us for enabling this ministry to be done for the glory of our Almighty God.


Because of the delays of Swahili and French Bibles from Burundi and the effect of not getting visa of the team from CCHD according to what we planned and expected, we began our outreach on 20th to 26th of June 2016 from Mukela, Kalonda II, Misisi and Katanga. Then, on 8th to 10th July 2016 at Katanga.

The followings are the detailed activities done:


We began from Monday, 20th to Wednesday at 3:00 -5:00 pm, 22nd of June 2016 at 7:30 -9:30 am.

20th of June 2016, afternoon we did an Open Evangelical Outreach and 9 come to Jesus.

Its night, we showed movie, no one came to Jesus that night.

21st morning, we did discipleship teaching from 9:00 am to 12:00. 180 people were gathered to hear the Word. From 9:00 am to 10:00 am, SHABANI MSHIKANA taught on Salvation subject and LUKUBE LUHOTA taught on the subject of Prayers from 10:30 am to 11:30.

21st afternoon, we did Open Evangelical Outreach, and 33 came to Jesus. Its night we showed movie.

22nd morning before leaving, we did a prayer meeting and one subject on the Bible in discipleship class, myself I did teach.  In Mukela, we did 2 Open Evangelical Outreaches, 2 Discipleship trainings, showed movie 2 times. 42 came to Jesus.


We left Mukela by 22nd of June 2016 at 10:00 am and we arrived at Kalonda II by 7:37 pm. It was a long journey because the radiator of the vehicle was linking and we were stopping so much for filling water up into the radiator.  

The same night, we did show movie, and no one came to Jesus

23rd morning, we did discipleship training, 207 gathered for hearing the teaching. Brother LAMBERT ELOCO W’APUTU taught on Salvation and KASHINDI KIZA taught on PRAYERS. Then, I did preach on  “Meeting with Jesus” from John 4, 18 came to Jesus including the chief the village and commander of DRC army in Mutuka village which was nearby Kalonda II at 1 km from Kalonda II.

23rd afternoon, we did Open Evangelical Outreach, I preached on the Love of God from John 3:16 and 43 came to Jesus. Its night, we showed movie and 3 came to Jesus. Afterward, I saw other 6 coming by night to receive Jesus and need of prayer.

In Kalonda II, we showed movie 2 times, we did 1 discipleship training, 1 official open evangelical outreach and 67 came to Jesus.


We left Kalonda II 24th of June by 9:00 am and arrived in Misisi by 12:17. At our arrival, we dived ourselves into various groups. Some went to prepare the evangelical field, others went to draw water for food and washing, others were sweeping houses for lodging.  

By 3:00 pm we started our Open Evangelical Outreach, I preached on Luke 19:10 on the subject: Jesus is looking for your salvation. We saw 8 coming to Jesus at that time. But by night, other 4 came to Jesus and need of prayer. 

By night, we showed movie. Morning time by 7:30 to 9:30 we did discipleship training which gathered Misisi people 53.

In Misisi, we did one open evangelical outreach, we showed 1 time movie, and 1 discipleship training. 12 came to Jesus Christ.


We went to Katanga on July 8th to 10th, 2016.

Friday, 8th afternoon we began with an Open Evangelical Outreach. I used the EvangeCube in preaching but no one came to Jesus. In night, we showed a movie.

Saturday, 9th morning, we did discipleship training with 102 coming to watch what we were teaching on because the rumors went into village saying that we are not Christians but cultic ones. We thank God when NDJALE ASUKULU Emmanuel and LUKUBE LUHOTA were teaching. The first taught on Salvation and the second on prayers. People divided into 2 parts by confirming that we are teaching the real precepts of the Bible and others were so persistent. 

Saturday, 9th afternoon, we did an Open Evangelical Outreach. I preach on the benefit of meeting 

Jesus Christ referencing to the Samaritan woman. Then, we saw 8 people coming to Jesus Christ. 

And by night, I testified other 3 coming to confess their belief to Jesus Christ. These ones who came by night I asked them, “why coming by night” they answered me that: “they are teachers in a school of Anglican Church but if they are seen openly to join with us they will be moved out.” Then, I told them that I do not promise to give you an employment but if they expel you because you join us, please, you are not joining to Calvary Chapel but to Jesus Christ. Calvary Chapel will not save you but Jesus Christ. Therefore, you have to believe the Savior. Calvary Chapel is a servant leading you to Jesus Christ. I insisted in believing in Jesus moreover anything else. Finally, they said, we believe in Jesus Christ.  In night, we showed movie.

Sunday, 10th we gather as a church under a mango tree shadow. In preaching Jesus, we saw 30 coming to Jesus Christ. We praised God to see how He did for His glory in Katanga. In Katanga, we did 2 Open Evangelical Outreaches, 1 discipleship training gathering 102 people, we showed movie 2 times. 41 people came to receive Jesus Christ.

S0, in general we did: 6 Open Evangelical Meetings; 5 discipleship trainings; 7 movies showings; 162 came to Jesus Christ. All of them we did give them the Bible, the Word of God for reading, studying, memorizing, reciting and applying for their spiritual growth into the Word. Then we gave some Bibles to some church leaders who had the Jehovah Witnesses’ ones called “New World Translation” and taking from them what they had and give them the right translation we had. Among those who believed we saw soldiers, chief-village and different type of people. Thanks to our Lord for His deed on the Cross for our salvation.


My disciples into the Word are much excited to see how God is doing through what they are doing for His glory. God is manifesting Himself and they do testify His work in teaching. They enjoy and willing to further their Bible Studies in Colleges by God’s will.

Our choir singers and skitters are enjoying to go in mission for testifying Christ Jesus through songs and dramas, leading people to Jesus Christ. 

God is opening His people’s hearts, especially CCHD members to support willingly the mission in DRC for His marvelous glory.

We testify and enjoy what God is revealing Himself through His chosen people to partake His blessings carrying out the message of salvation to the unreached for His glory.

God’s protection in travelling, sleeping, drinking and eating was so admissible. In despite we were sleeping some places outside (open air) but no harms or dreading. God manifested to be our good shepherd indeed. 


Sleeping place to the big number of people disturbed so much. And we were not able to get place to lodge all of them and this was due to the less sleeping equipment and less rooms to lodge.  Our musical instruments: the cables were so much disturbing, speakers and microphones too. Our drum setting broke down, guitars were scratching. Music sound was not so good enough for using in open meetings due to that.


Discipleship Training

I do plan to set up a Bible College for training to those who are called by God to serve Him so that they may be able to go out and teach others as it is recommended in Matthew 28:19-20; 2Timothy 2:2. In this topic, we should get our own printer and photocopy machines for facilitating to get copied subject to teach on in various aspect: Sunday Schools, Foundation of Faith, even in seminars teachings. The Church has a great need of having the trained disciples for ongoing of spreading our faith in Jesus Christ throughout DRC.  God is so faithful, I see now four faithful gentlemen whom God is moving their hearts to serve Him ready to follow up Bible College courses for helping the church in teaching the Word ministries. In getting many called ministers, we hope to reach the entire DRC.

Evangelical trips

We do always much struggle for the lack of our own vehicle. As Congolese are so exciting by music and dramas that why we do use our choir to sing in the evangelical meeting and our skitters to play skirts on reason of gathering many to come and can learn some biblical messages through songs and dramas. In going, we do pack musical instruments, kitchen equipment, tents for shadowing the targeted places … When we get vehicle will facilitate the team to carry and go wherever God will talk us to go for His glory.  

Prayer Requests

The fellowship between CCHD and CCB/DRC should endure and be strong.

May God allow us to get faithful disciples who will be able to faithfully disciple others. The way of fulfilling that is by setting up a Bible College.

May God allow us to get our own vehicle for the Outreach Ministries able to carry ministers and equipment. 

The need of Bibles might be responded each time for reviving the new believers and obscure the deceitful way of God’s Word deceiver, especially the Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Malkia wa Ubembe, Neno, Baha’I and other African cultic religion living in the area we meet.

May God enable His Word to reach the entire DRC and people may stand firm in Jesus’ faith bearing fruits for His glory.

I ask wisdom and faithfulness as I am leading mission issues in DRC, especially planting churches, edifying the saints and sending them into ministries for the glory of God.


Together in prayer and in fellowship, we shall act and witness our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ throughout DRC and wherever God will call us up to go.


Asukulu Ibrahim Celestin

Pastor of Calvary Chapel Baraka/DRC

Kalonda II


Below, these are some pictures taken when I went to the Bambouti people to prepare the filed for God's harvest.

The place where I went is called KALONDA II, in Maniema province. According to the informations I gathered from themselves



1. They are people who do not have a specific homes for their nomadic lives, pursuing animals, because they are the hunters people.

2. They are so oppressed and discriminated for their living in bush far from others by other tribes, especially Bakalanga, Bahololo, Bangubangu, etc...

3. They are taken as tools for working on benefit of others without being paid.  And if they can be paid it will be an insufficient portion to survive to.

4. They are so drunkard and hemp smokers

5. They survive by eating bushing fruits and roots. Even at the moment I went there I found some of them are still living in bush. But, the provincial government commanded to gather them and encourage them to not live in bush as their custom and sometimes taking them by force so that they might come to live with others in community but they still dislike and be discouraged to live among those tribes which they do not take them in consideration as other human being. Even that, when they get some good Samaritans willing to help them, their local officer do take all without giving any supplies to them and this cause a strong discouragement and disbelief to the community surrounding them.


They believe in sorcery, witch-craftiness more than anything else. They never heard about Jesus. For this reason, they never attend in any church.


I did share the love of God to them through creation topic in Genesis, showing them how value they are before God's sight because they had been created in God's likeness and image as other people they do expect to be better than them. I did emphasized that they are God's creatures and God loves them so much, that why He sent His begotten Son so that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but shall get the eternal life. I conclude by saying, in working for Christ, God the Father will honor the believer, that why wherever we got as believers we have the honor of God and we live in peace with one another. The result was 12 of them believed. Then, I introduced the coming up of the team, they did appreciate and say a big WELCOME to share the Word of God to them and surrounding people.


- Pray for their open hearts to receive the Word of God for their eternal lives in Jesus Christ,

- Free passage to reach them as you know there are much disturbances on the road to reach them,

- Pray for clothing, soap, salt and animal string trap


- Enabling them to live in a permanent location in community as other people through church planting.

- Training them to make bricks for building their houses

- Support their kids on education programme and women in small business loan.


May God enable us all to reach them for His majesty glory in Jesus name.



2015 Mission Trip Summary

"...I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent" Luke 4:43.

We do thank always our heavenly Father through His Son, Jesus Christ for the fellowship with us in witnessing and proclaiming the name of our Lord and Savior in Fizi/DRC.

We did 8 outreaches in different places:
- Baraka has 3 areas: South Kalinga, Matata and Mwemezi.
- Misisi: East and West.
- Mukela: East and West.
- Lweba.
In general, God did a great job that is beyond of our expectation drawing people to Himself through His Holy Spirit, convicted sins and talking to them whom 818 people came to Jesus. Everywhere we passed by, people knew that the men and women of God are in God's business. In travelling, many of police men and other traffic agents were begging to get Bibles and these were like a license allowing us to get free way to pass, not like a bribe but a way of making ourselves be known what we are doing and who we are.
Many times, breaking down of our vehicles was a great problem to not set well our times as it was expectated. Passing in rocky and dirty way caused vehicle's tires punching. Being stoped many times because of vehicle insurance lacks but in every step, God was on our side and we were allowed to pass. In Mukela, no guest house, beds, mosquito nets, these allowed us to parchase matresses and covers responding to the status of the area. Getting a Bible was like dream and a special opportunity and chance to people.
Please, the detail of people coming to Christ is related as following:
- South Kalinga: 65
- Matata: 13
- Misisi: (East) 72 (West) 380
- Lweba: 90
- Mukela: (East) 39 (West) 74
- Mwemezi: 85
TOTAL: 818.

The conference has done in a half-day, gathering 83 women among them 66 were from CCB and 17 from other different churches. The teachings were a blessings to the women and finally asking for the days additional next year that they may benefit more from the gifted teacher-women.

Gathered 67 people among them were youth, women and men willing to be a part of kids' ministry, involving in teaching and taking care of them while being in service. All of them were from our church.

While team was in Baraka, one of our sister whom we were meeting with in our church named MAHANGO MMANGA passed away. She left a son named ASA of 7 years old. Pastor Brian shared the Word and Pastor Ibrahim was translating. After service, one of the hearer surrendered his life to Jesus. Please, we shall pray for the  family comfort and for the son left: good health, education and God's Word growth.

We do thank always for the hearts of like-minded people to be a part of what is done in Baraka/DRC. Right now, the wall is already finished. The next will be: floor paving, roofing and fixing doors and windows.

We thank so much for handing out Fizi community the Bibles and CCB's members. Tomorrow in church service we shall give out the Bible to everyone of our church members. Those who had already got are very joyful and thanksful.

The team, with Light Of the World did a great job to share gospel through dramas. People were much excited and convinced their sins and making decisions to follow Jesus Christ that the chains of their sins slavery be broken. Thank you Lord for the gifted men for the vision accomplished.

Really blessed, to get a keyboard, amplifier set, microphones, new generator which were so helpful in outreach's movie's ministries and will be so helpful in our main church service. Joined with Jesse, the praise and worship team enjoyed so much to learn an English song: "Open the eyes of my heart, Lord" so wonderful.

Many people are uninformed about the creation and Creator. But through movie called "Tumaini" they had been built a faith and knowing that God is the Creator of everything. Even that, through "Passion of Jesus Christ" people understand how Jesus Christ suffered for the sin of the world.

- May God open doors to get gifted men and women for helping to discipling and strenghtening who believe.
- Addition of Bibles distribution in Fizi and other places within DRC.
- May God open doors that the name of Jesus Christ should be preached in various and different corner of Fizi and other areas in DRC.
- May God enable us to get tools for recording and radio broadcasing.
        (This note added by Pastor Brian: The cost for radio broadcast in Baraka is $30 per hr. We could sponsor getting the word out daily but there is the need for the recording equipment as well air time)
- May God entrust me wisdom, knowledge and discernment of leadership over His flock, and protection to family sicknesses.


Asukulu Ibrahim Celestin